Drying Herbs from your Summer Garden

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Preserving Summer’s Bounty

Summer gardens provide us with an abundance of fresh tasty herbs. Preserving the vibrant flavors of your garden-fresh herbs is a delightful way to extend their use beyond the growing season.

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a novice, mastering the art of herb drying allows you to savor the taste of summer all year round.

Compliments of Clippings Floral Design.

🌿Herbs such as sage, rosemary, thyme, oregano and dill are easy to dry and last a long time in storage.

🌿The simplest way is to harvest your herbs is to tie them in small bundles or bouquets.

🌿Be sure not to harvest after a heavy rain or make the bundles too large, they will have a higher chance of molding.

🌿After bundling the herbs, hang them in a dry spot in your house like a closet or attic for 10 – 14 days.

🌿Another quick and easy way to dry herbs at home is the microwave. Start by removing the leaves from the stems (stems will slow down drying) and placing the leaves between two pieces of paper towel. Microwave for about one minute. If leaves aren’t dry continue microwaving in 30 second intervals until dry.

🌿You can also dry in an oven or dehydrator for larger amounts of herbs. Just set the oven/dehydrator on the lowest temperature setting and leave until dry. This method will take anywhere from 30 minute to 4 hours.

🌿Once your herbs are completely dry store them in a labelled air tight container for longer shelf life so they can be enjoyed until its time for the next harvest!